Czech Chemical Society (CCS) is one of the oldest chemical societies in Europe. It was founded in 1866.
CCS has 2200 members in 30 working parties and divisions.
CCS members are from various areas, mainly academic and industrial.
CCS is a founding member of the Association of the Czech Chemical Societies (AČCHS).
- Organising national and international symposia and congresses.
- Own research activities.
- Publishing monthly journal „Chemické listy“.
- CCS is a member of ChemPubSoc Europe consortium.
- CCS is a founding member of EuCheMS (formerly FECS).
- CCS is an affiliate member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
- CCS conducts agenda of European Chemist Registration Board (ECRB).
Benets for Members
- Affiliate membership in IUPAC.
- Subscription discount for „Chemické listy“ and other journals published by PubChemSoc Europe.
- Introduction to potential membership in prestigious European chemical societies (RSC, GDCh, GÖCh, SFC).
- Possibility to receive European professional designation EurChem.