Contact point for co-operation with companies is transfer office in Science and Technology Park of the Palacký Univerzity in Olomouc.
We make available to our clients top laboratory equipment and know-how from Palacky University, primarily in the areas of pharmacy, chemistry, biotechnology, optics and nanotechnology. Technology transfer between companies and Palacky University makes the development of new products, services and technologies possible.
Even your company can take advantage of the high-end instruments and know-how of Palacký University.
We will prepare an offer and later on the contract, between you and the department of the University. Furthermore we will supervise the correct implementation of your project.
When we receive your request for measurement or research, our consultants will contact the appropriate department of the University. They will arrange the first meeting, and can help you with contract implementation. For the duration of the project they can give you a helping hand with its management or in solving any problems, that may rise.
Palacký University is capable of providing high-quality result for very attractive prices. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Main laboratories and deparments:
- Laboratory of cell culture
- Centre for Nanomaterial Research
- Laboratory of Optics
- Laboratory of Growth Regulators
- BIOMEDREG - Biomedecine for regional development and human resources
- Centre of the Region Haná for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research
- Regional centre of advanced technologies and materials