Merck KGaA Darmstadt has been perceived for all its 350 years old history as a quality and modern producer of wide spectrum of products for laboratory and production. Production, quality check, adjustment, labeling and packing are under strong control which is declared by DIN EN ISO 9001 certificate. Our products meet exacting criteria, which are necessary in pharmaceutical and food industry and in other regulated markets.
Also the Czech branch Merck spol. s.r.o., which has been in our market since 1991, is proud owner of certificate for marketing and service. Beyond the traditional range of goods from our parent company we offer to our customers proved products from our third party partners.
Our advantage is a strong global brand, individual care of our customers, modern and quality products, available and qualified service, reliable suppliers and fast supplies always with related documentation in Czech language.
Merck spol. s.r.o. supports academia sector – research, development, research workers and students by special price advantages, cooperation in organization of scientific events, conferences and financial grants to support concrete projects. We even don’t forget of young scientists, so since 1998 we have organized in cooperation of OS analytical chemistry with patronage of The Czech Chemical Society a contest called “O cenu firmy Merck”. The contest is announced every year in the autumn time and culminates by scientific conference during which are the winners announced.
Markets and products:
Merck4Pharma, Merck4Biosciences, Merck4Cosmetics, Merck4Food, Merck4Printing, Plastics, Coatings, Merck4LCDs Emerging Technologies
Main product groups:
Laboratory chemistry, Chemistry for production and semi industries, Microbiology, Hygiene monitoring, Microscopy and diagnostics, Chromatography, Laboratory equipments
Merck spol. s.r.o. builds upon the foundations of its technological expertise and functional processes - from research to marketing. Around 3,400 Merck researchers and developers worldwide from Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals are working for you with a pioneering spirit and perseverance.
Regulatory support:
Merck spol s.r.o. has been implementing the Global Harmonizing System (GHS) and new labeling of chemicals. By implementing REACH Merck spol. s.r.o. proved its readiness for quickly changing legislative.
Merck values: