MediTox s.r.o. is Contract Research Organization certified according to GLP Principles dealing with:
- Preclinical R&D in the area of cardiology (specialized hemodynamic laboratory), anti-influenza vaccine development (EU FP 6 and 7 projects), neurodegenerative diseases (transgenic Huntington´s disease model) and diabetes (diabetes type I model in rodents and type II model in non-human primates)
- Comprehensive preclinical and toxicological program for human/veterinary pharmaceutical, biological, medical devices, food additives (PHARMA), chemicals and agrochemicals (REACH)
- Development of animal models of selected human diseases (chronic glaucoma, induced arthritis, chronic traumatic spinal cord injury, myocardial infarct). The team of experienced study directors and scientists works on the models enabling speed up and making the development process more effective
- Laboratory animal breeding (non-human primates, beagle dogs, rodents)
MediTox principles:
● High scientific standard
● High reliability
● Strong applying scientific and business ethics
● Individual and tailored approach
● Comprehensive program