IntellMed, Ltd. was founded on October 23, 2006 as spin-off company created by employees of Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University in Olomouc and competent managers with previous experience in the field of genetic diagnostics.
Our core business is the development , manufacture and distribution of diagnostic reagents for molecular biology and cytogenetics. Currently IntellMed, Ltd. operates in two facilities – in Prague and Olomouc.
Our main focus is the research, development and production of locus specific and alpha satellite directly labeled probes for use in fluorescence in situ hybrization (FISH). Furthermore, we are also involved in the production of other products, especially in the field of molecular genetics (circulating tumor cells diagnostic kits, detection of oncogenic mutations, products for PCR analysis, etc).
Our policy is to offer our customers high quality products at affordable prices. Our future plan is to extend product portfolio and services according to demands of our customers.
Company IntellMed, Ltd. is certified according to ISO 9001:2008.