SciTech s.r.o. was founded in 1991 as a business hub, a spin-of from academic world, and a technology transfer organisation. From the origin it has among its principal aims its own scientic and research activities, support of SR and professional organisations as the Czech Chemical Society, i.a.
SciTech is doing research mainly into the biorational forest pest management, together with the ICT Prague and a forest management company LES CR Vrané nad Vltavou. SciTech took part with the Palacky University Olomouc, OlChemIm sro Olomouc and others in the MedChemBioBio Cluster Project.
SciTech is one of the largest producers and developer of pheromone dispensers for monitoring and control of forest pests, mainly the bark borers.
SciTech exports and imports specialized research and scientic equipment and for the Czech Republic serves as (in many cases exclusive) distributor or reseller of companies as Vacuubrand GmbH Wertheim (laboratory vacuum technology), Rudolph Research Analytical Hackettstown, NJ (polarimeters, saccharimeters, refractometers, density meters), SGE Analytical Science Pty Ltd Ringwood Victoria (products for analytical science), and many others. Also, SciTech serves for import and export of unique, custom made pieces of highly specialised scientic equipment. Special product oered by SciTech is VALIDATION and CONFIRMATION of products for analytical chemistry. SciTech is registered with the Czech Metrological Institute and has traceable authorisation to do the above measurements from several companies.
SciTech serves in some cases for the whole Middle Europe and East Europe as the reseller and distributor of scientic software from ACD/Labs Toronto, CambridgeSoft Cambridge, Hyperchem Gainsville, Gaussian Wallingford, Reuters Thomson [ISI] Carlsbad, Wavefunction Irvine, and many others.